Topic 11 – Thermomechanical behavior and performance of Composites
This topic is a forum for presentation and discussion of recent research and development activities in mechanical behavior of ceramic matrix composites, at ambient and at elevated temperatures. The symposium will include thermal, mechanical, and environmental behavior of all ceramic matrix composite systems, including oxides and non-oxides. Attention will be given to experimental results for different composite systems (from the smallest to the largest), including constituent content and fiber– architecture effects; developments in elevated temperature testing; developments in test modeling for thermal, mechanical, and environmental conditions; and design considerations for a range of environments and mechanical conditions.
Proposed sub-topics:
- Modeling thermal, mechanical, and environmental behavior of ceramic matrix composites
- Creep, creep-rupture, and fatigue of ceramic matrix composites
- Stress–environment interactions at elevated temperatures
- Elevated temperature test techniques
- Design and transition experiences and realistic component testing of ceramic matrix composites
Scientific Committee:
- Pr. Gregory N. Morscher, University of Akron, USA,
- Dr. Triplicane Parthasarathy, UES Inc., USA
- Pr. Hejun Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
- Dr. Jacques Lamon, National Centre of Scientific Research, France
- Dr. Craig Przybyla, US Air Force Materiel Command, US Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
- Dr. Marina Ruggles-Wrenn, Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
- Pr. Francis Rebillat, LCTS, University of Bordeaux, France
- Dr. Ing. Toshio Ogasawara, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Japan
Points of contact:
Frank Zok, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Dietmar Koch, University of Augsburg, Germany