Travel grants from the JECS Trust of the ECERS and ESCM
JECS Trust and ESCM have accepted to support the HT-CMC10 conference up to 17 grants for students (max € 500 each). The JECS Trust insists on the fact that grants are given to foreign students to allow them to attend conferences abroad (it means not French students). One student will be eligible in each Topic. The selection will be carried out by the scientific committee of each Topic, in agreement with the organizers.
A Grant of up to 500 € will be awarded to up to 17 selected students. 100% of the support will be paid to the students after receipt of the proof of attendance.
The candidate to benefit from this support must be registered as a PhD student in a Laboratory located in a member national ceramic society and should be personally a member of the society (priority – if the student is not a member, his/her supervisor must be a member). He/she will submit an application including a brief description of the thesis work and the reasons why he or she wishes to give an oral presentation to HT-CMC 10 conferences (i.e. relationship with the thesis work). Up to 17 grants could be awarded. In the case where too many candidatures are received compared with the allowed budget, the HT-CMC selection committee will give priority to students whose theses are most closely related to the topics of the HT-CMC 10 conferences and are selected for an oral presentation. Both PhD students and post‐docs are eligible but a priority will be given to PhD.
All these documents have to be sent by email to the advisor of the concerned Topic and the organizers by 31st May 2019.
Final report for selected travelling person
In addition, each selected travelling person has to write a short report (up to 2 pages) summarizing its general opinion about the conferences, its program of listened conferences and mentioning few points of interest what will be helpful for its future research. This report is joined to the “account of travel expenses”.
When travelling expenses are covered by the amount allowed by the JECS Trust, each eligible travelling person concerned must complete the “account of travel expenses” form that will be communicated by the CNRS secretariat and the HT-CMC organizers. Originals of tickets, invoices, bills, receipts, etc., justifying the amount requested by the eligible travelling person must be submitted to CNRS-LCTS with the original signed form. The CNRS and the HT-CMC organizers reimburse directly the travelling person concerned following the decision of the organizers of HT-CMC 10 conferences.
Funds will be available only 60 days after the end of the conferences, up to 25th November. It is therefore essential to turn in the Expense statement in a timely manner. Late submission will result in no reimbursement.